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The Boop game is a Facebook game for those living and working in Crawford County and the surrounding areas. Follow my Facebook Page to stay in the Boop-Loop and win prizes!​ 



The Boop Game is a community game played in Crawford County GA and it's surrounding areas. Local businesses donate prizes that can be won by “Booping” or being “Booped”. Each time you Boop or get Booped you earn entries to the current prize drawing. All of the prizes are donated by local businesses. If you would like to sponsor the game and donate a prize then please email me​ or PM from the On Cue FB Page.​​​


What the heck is a “Boop”?

Boop is an affectionate term for dog nose bumps. In The Boop Game we boop each other by taking pictures of the dog nose magnets on each others cars. Each boop earns you entries in the next prize drawing.


How to play:


  1. **To be eligable to win you must first “follow” or “like” the On Cue Dog Training Facebook Page.** By following the On Cue Dog Training Facebook Page THE BOOP GAME notifications will be displayed on your Facebook page and you will see if you won! 

  2. Obtain your free magnet from On Cue Dog Training, or The Roberta Chamber

  3. Place your magnet on your car, near your license plate (your license plate will be randomly photographed and used to determine who got booped).

  4. When you see a BOOP magnet, take a picture of it (including the license plate for identification purposes) and post it on your Facebook page. For your entry to count you must tag your picture post to the On Cue Dog Training Facebook page, (for instructions for tagging, see below).*


How to earn entries to the current drawing:

1 ENTRY - You get BOOPED! You will receive 1 entry anytime someone posts a picture of your car magnet and tags the OnCueDT facebook page.

2 ENTRIES - You BOOP someone! For every picture of a car magnet that you post you will receive 2 entries to the current drawing. You can take a picture of as many different car magnets as you would like but you will only receive 2 entries / car. For example, if you you spot six different cars with magnets you can earn 12 entries by posting the pictures. If you post the same car 6 different times you will earn 2 entries. Posting a picture of your own car is allowed.

Look for bonus entry oportunities on the On Cue Dog Training Facebook page!


*How to tag the On Cue Facebook Page: It is really important that you tag the On Cue Facebook Page so I can count your entries. To do this, type the following in your picture post: @OnCueDT and when the facebook page picture comes up tap on that. Thats all you have to do to tag me!




Scroll down to see this weeks prize.


Where do I pick up my prize?

The prize pick-up is at the On Cue Training Yard in Roberta. I am happy to meet you somewhere if you are not close to Roberta. Just reach out to me and we can work something out. â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹


The current prize is an adorable Dog Goodie Basket from Rachel Jump, our local realtor and a $5 Gift Certificate from Nana's Knacks!

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